Mar 03, 2025
2024-2025 Academic Catalog & Handbooks
General Studies, B.S.
The Bachelor of Science degree with a major in general studies consists of basic courses in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and behavioral studies. Additional concentration components are selected from the humanities, social sciences, behavioral studies, and/or natural and applied sciences areas. At least forty-two semester hours must be earned at the junior or senior level, and at least 32 of the last 38 hours must be taken in residence at the University of Mobile.
Advisement for General Studies
The College of Arts and Sciences provides academic advisement for the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in general studies for traditional students.
Graduation Requirements for General Studies
Please refer to the academic information section of this catalog for graduation requirements.
Requirements for A Bachelor of Science in General Studies
In addition to fulfilling the University’s basic course (core) requirements , a student must also fulfill the requirements listed either Option I or Option II listed below.
University Core and General Education Electives
University of Mobile’s undergraduate program is comprised of the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Health Professions, Alabama School of the Arts, Grace Pilot School of Business, and School of Education. All University of Mobile undergraduate students are required to complete certain basic courses that apply uniformly to the Bachelor of Arts degree, the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, the Bachelor of Science degree, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and the Bachelor of Music degree unless otherwise noted. These are identified as basic course (general education) requirements. Requirements (Please see NOTES section below)
- Consult with your College/School advisor for specific and/or additional requirements relating to general education courses. For example, COM 101 is required for business, Christian studies, and education majors and teacher certification students. MA 110 is required for all majors in the School of Business. Education majors and teacher certification students have very specific requirements, particularly regarding English, Mathematics, History, and Laboratory Sciences.
- UM 101 University of Mobile 101 (1 semester hour) is required for new freshmen and transfer students.
- Students earning a Bachelor of Arts degree must also complete twelve semester hours of a foreign language. See specific requirements in the World Languages section of the catalog.
- Students earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Performance must also complete six semester hours of a foreign language.
- Students earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Studio Art, or Graphic Design must also complete six semester hours of a foreign language.
- Students earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in English, Creative Writing must also complete twelve semester hours of a foreign language.
- Students earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Management must also complete PSY 201 . Students earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing must also complete AR 226 .
Option I
- Basic course requirements (46 semester hours)
- Select three of the four areas of concentration, the student must take 18 hours in each of the three areas selected for a total of 54 hours (20 of the 54 hours must be upper-level)
- PY 488 Interdisciplinary Seminar required (3 semester hours)
- Electives (20 hours)
Option II
- Basic course requirements (46 semester hours)
- Select two of the four areas of concentration, the student must take 30 hours in each of the two areas selected for a total of 60 hours (20 of the 60 hours must be upper-level).
- PY 488 Interdisciplinary Seminar required (3 semester hours)
- Electives (14 hours).
Area I HUMANITIES Art English Language Music Christian Studies Communication Philosophy Theatre Worship Leadership Technical Arts | Area II SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Business History Economics Computer Information Systems Politics and Law Geography Accounting Criminology Software Development Finance Management Marketing | Area III NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES Biology Nursing Chemistry Physics Mathematics Marine Science Earth Science | Area IV BEHAVIORAL STUDIES Educational Area: - Early Childhood
- Elementary
- Secondary
Kinesiology Sports Medicine Psychology | Hours to Degree
123 hours are needed to graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in General Studies. A minor is not required. |