2022-2023 Academic Catalog & Student Handbooks 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog & Student Handbooks [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

Introduction to Financial Aid

University of Mobile provides a program of financial aid intended to assist students whose families cannot pay the total cost of education and to assist students who have talents, qualities, or proficiencies that would be an asset to University of Mobile community. Students who have such needs or abilities may apply for financial aid through the financial aid office. Each program has separate criteria for qualifying.

Financial aid available at University of Mobile includes grants, scholarships, loans, and work opportunities. The sources of these aid funds include the University, the Alabama Baptist State Convention, the State of Alabama, the United States government, and private individuals, agencies, and corporations. To apply for financial aid, a student must complete all the necessary applications required by the program for which he or she wishes to apply.  Applications for aid are for one academic year only. To receive financial aid for additional years, a student must complete new applications every year and meet the criteria of the programs. Students generally cannot receive more than one scholarship or grant that is funded with University of Mobile funds. University of Mobile funds generally require students to have and maintain a 2.00 GPA; some programs have higher requirements. Additional information about financial aid can be obtained from the financial aid office.

Students should contact the financial aid office prior to dropping classes to determine the effect on financial aid eligibility. Unless otherwise noted, University funded aid is for full-time (12 hours or more) students. A reduction in hours may result in an adjustment to the aid package. Students must be enrolled in at least six-semester hours of regular coursework to receive Federal Stafford loans.

University financial aid and some funded/endowed scholarships are ideally granted for a four-year academic program. Students receiving equivalent to half tuition or more per year in University aid must live on-campus. See annual University Student Handbook (in the Handbooks  section of catalog) for on-campus housing requirements. A four-year academic program begins the freshman year and totals eight Fall/Spring academic periods (semesters). Transfer students can receive aid for four Fall/Spring academic periods (semesters).

Application Process for Financial Aid

To apply for financial aid, a student must complete all the necessary applications required by the program for which he or she wishes to apply.  A regular student’s classification is determined by the number of semester hours earned: freshmen-up to 29 semester hours; sophomores-30 to 59 semester hours; juniors-60 to 89 semester hours; and seniors-90 or more semester hours.

The procedure for applying for financial aid includes the following.

  1. New students to University of Mobile must complete and submit the University of Mobile Admissions/Financial Aid application;
  2. All student applicants are subject to the satisfactory academic progress criteria;
  3. All students are to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)annually. If a student chooses not to complete the FAFSA, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the Office of Financial Aid;
  4. All students should complete other specific forms as applicable (i.e., the Alabama Student Grant application or the Alabama Baptist State Convention Scholarship application, Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note and entrance counseling, if eligible).
  5. All student planning to use Federal Direct Loans must complete the annual Loan Request Form located here.

Applications for all aid programs at University of Mobile are available on the University’s website at www.umobile.edu. Students desiring to apply for financial aid at University of Mobile should begin the application process six or more months prior to the expected date of enrollment (including federal paperwork).

Financial aid is awarded for one academic year or portion thereof, and re-application is required each subsequent year that aid is desired. Most funding agencies require that students meet and maintain the University’s standard of satisfactory academic progress to receive aid (see Satisfactory Academic Progress  below for more information). Some scholarships require recipients to have and maintain a higher academic standard.


Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid

All students, whether undergraduate, graduate, transfer, full-time, or part-time are required to make satisfactory academic progress. All programs of financial aid funded or controlled by federal or state agencies require that students make satisfactory academic progress to qualify for continued receipt of financial aid.

The University’s Academic Standards are the Qualitative Standards for this Process. In addition, federal law requires that students who have earned 64 or more academic hours (juniors and seniors) maintain the minimum cumulative GPA required by the University for graduation, which is 2.0 GPA. The following three components are evaluated each academic term to determine satisfactory academic progress:

Component: 1.Pace of Progression Requirements To insure that students earn a degree within the maximum time frame allowed, students must be passing 67% of all attempted hours (including transfer hours).
Component: 2. Maximum Time Frame

Federal financial aid funds cannot be paid to a student who exceeds 150% of the published length of the degree program (including transfer hours) in credit hours.


(1) If a student’s degree is a 123 hour program: 123 x 150%=184.5 attempted hours maximum time frame.  The student is eligible for only the first 180 hours attempted.

(2) If a student transfers and brings 70 hours credit into a 123 hour program: 123 x 150%=184.5 - 70=114.5 hours maximum time allowed for degree funding (transfer credits count towards credit hours attempted and earned so when the student transfers, the initial calculation would be 70/70).

Component: 3. Cumulative Grade-Point Average (CGPA)

Undergraduate students receiving federal financial aid, institutional financial aid, academic merit scholarships or endowed scholarships must have and maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.0 or better in order to continue receiving financial aid. Eligibility for aid programs will be evaluated as part of the initial application process and again at the end of each academic period (semester).

Doctoral and graduate students must maintain a 3.0 to meet minimum CGPA requirements.  

​Please Note:

  • Assigned grades of A, B, C, D, and F are all included in the CGPA, Pace of Progression, and Maximum Time Frame components.  Courses with non-assigned letter grades of S, P, U, I, X, WD, AU, N are considered in Pace of Progression and Maximum Time Frame components but are not included in the CGPA component.
  • All terms of attendance are reviewed including terms when no federal financial aid funds were recieved.
  • Students transferring to UM are assumed to be maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress. Grades from transfer credits will not factor into the CGPA at UM but transfer credits will count as credits attempted and credits earned.
  • A student may elect to declare Academic Bankruptcy, as defined in the UM Catalog, in which none of a student’s prior course work is counted towards completion of grade requirements and the computation of their institutional CGPA.  Credit hours and grades earned prior to declaring Academic Bankruptcy will continue to be included in the determinatio of Satisfactory Academic Progress. 
  • Repeating courses may negatively affect federal and institutional aid eligibility.  A student who remains otherwise eligible to recieve federal financial aid funds under the applicable requirements, including this SAP Policy, may repeat failed courses and continue to receive federal financial aid funds.  Similarily, an otherwise eligible student may repeat a previously passed course once and continue to recieve federal financial aid funds.  All attempts of a course, including repeat courses, are included in CGPA, Pace of Progression, and Maximum Time Frame components.  Changes to a student’s CGPA due to grade replacement will not be taken into account until the grade replacement is approved in accordance with the Grade Replacement Policy.  Grade replacement will allow for a prior grade earned not being included in the CGPA component, if approved by the Registrar’s Office; however, all attempts will still be counted in the Pace of Progression and Maximum Time Frame components.
  • All remedial courses are included in CGPA, Pace of Progression, and Maximum Time Frame components.
  • Students classified as pursuing a second Bachelor’s degree will continue to be evaluated on Pace of Progression and Maximum Time Frame components stated above.  For students who pursue a second degree at UM, a CGPA of 2.0 must be maintained.  In calculating the Maximum Time Frame component, the published program length for the second degree will be reduced by the number of general education credit hour requirements earned from the first degree (generally 40 credit hours).
  • For students changing programs or majors prior to completion, all credit hours and grades will continue to be included in CGPA requirement for students not in a candidacy status. 

Sanctions for not maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress:

Financial Aid Probation: Students who have been receiving federal, institutional, and endowed funds in a clear SAP status and fail to meet one or more of the SAP components at the end of a semester will automatically be placed on Financial Aid Probation and will be eligible to recieve financial aid funds for one additional semester. 

Financial Aid Suspension: Students who do not meet SAP requirements after this period of Financial Aid Probation will be denied eligibility for future semesters and placed on Financial Aid Suspension until they have met SAP requirements or submit an appeal that is approved.

NOTE: Students that have exceeded the Maximum Time Frame component will NOT be eligible for one term of Financial Aid Probation but may submit an appeal as indicated below.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Procedures

Students who fail to meet the components of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) after one semester on Financial Aid Probation status will be sent an email notifying them that they are no longer eligible to receive financial aid funds.  Student have the option to appeal the loss of financial aid eligibility as follows:


A student who has been placed on financial aid suspension may appeal by submitting the satisfactory academic progress appeals form which can be obtained from the Student Success Center. Appeals are reviewed by the Academic Affairs committee prior to the start of each academic period (semester). The committee is composed of faculty and staff. The following criteria are observed in the appeals process:

  1. Action is based on the policies and procedures of the university.
  2. Forms are reviewed and recommendations are made on the appeal of the student whose academic performance has resulted in financial aid suspension.
  3. Students are notified in writing of the committee’s decision.

Undergraduate Student Leave of Absence Policy

The Undergraduate Student Leave of Absence (LOA) policy exists to encourage students to return and graduate after an absence of more than two consecutive semesters from UM. Circumstances that may be considered when applying include but are not limited to military training or duty, health or family issues, work related transfer. Eligible students are encouraged to take advantage of the benefits provided by a Leave of Absence, e.g., no need to apply for readmission and may participate in their regularly scheduled registration/enrollment period upon return to the University.

To apply for a Leave of Absence, a student must have maintained satisfactory academic progress and be financially clear in addition to meeting the following criteria:

  • Be a degree-seeking undergraduate student.
  • Must be registered in the current semester to apply for the Leave of Absence.
  • Do not intend to be absent for more than two consecutive semesters.
  • All holds which would restrict registration must be cleared prior to submitting LOA form. Holds include but are not limited to, required enrollment documents, disciplinary, financial, and residential life.

LOA applications are available at the Student Information Desk in Weaver Hall.


State and Federally Funded Programs

Programs funded or administered by the state and federal governments are available to qualifying University of Mobile students. These funds, when received, are credited directly to the student’s account. Under normal circumstances a student must have a credit balance before he or she can withdraw money from his or her account. The programs currently available are identified in this section.

Air Force ROTC Scholarships The Professor of Air Force Studies (PAS) can nominate qualified freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to compete for three and two-year scholarships. The scholarship entitlement pays full tuition, an allotment for fees and textbooks, and the monthly allowance mentioned in the Air Force Studies section under Field Training Course. Scholarship consideration is predicated on student ability, performance, and potential needs of the Air Force. Interested students need to contact the Department of Air Force Studies.

Three and four-year scholarships are also available to high school students. High school students interested in applying should call the Department of Air Force Studies at (251) 460-7211 or write the Department of Air Force Studies (AFROTC), University of South Alabama, SRH 156, Mobile, AL 36688-0002. Also, students may apply via the Internet at http://www.afrotc.com.

Alabama National Guard Education Assistance Program applications are available from the student’s guard unit. Amounts vary.

Alabama Student Assistance Program is jointly funded by state and federal governments. Awards are made by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education on the basis of financial need to qualifying applicants from Alabama. Application is made by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and checking the question regarding state aid.

Alabama Student Grant Program may be available to students who enroll half time or more. The grant is not available to any major that leads to service in a church, persons who already hold bachelor’s degrees, nor persons who are not Alabama residents. A special application is required. Funding for this grant is determined by the Alabama State Legislature. If available this money is allocated in two disbursements, usually in the Spring academic period (semester). Students must be enrolled and application for this program must be complete by September 15 for the Fall academic period (semester) and by February 15 for Spring academic period (semester). A recipient of Alabama Student Grant Program funds becomes ineligible to receive Alabama State Grant Program funds once the total number of hours that he or she has attempted exceeds by more than twenty-five percent, (or five years for a four-year program) the number of hours for his or her course of study.

Army ROTC Scholarships annually pay all tuition costs, all mandatory fees, some miscellaneous fees, and provide a small stipend for books, as well as a small monthly subsistence allowance. Two-year and three-year scholarships are available to eligible students. Interested students should contact an Army ROTC representative for more information.

Federal Direct Loan funds are available to full- and half-time students who qualify. Eligibility is based on financial need, satisfactory academic progress, and other financial aid awarded. A student could possibly receive $5,500 a year as a freshman, up to $6,500 upon reaching sophomore status and up to $7,500 as a junior and senior. Payment of principal and interest can be deferred until after graduation, withdrawal, or enrollment below a half-time level (six semester hours). A student must be enrolled half-time (six semester hours) to qualify for a loan. A loan agreement for subsidized/unsubsidized (MPN) is required in addition to entrance counseling.  Follow this link to complete online.

Federal Loan Aggregate borrowing limits

  Dependent Student Undergraduate loan indebtedness $31,000  
  Independent Student Undergraduate loan indebtedness $57,500  
  Graduate and Professional Programs loan indebtedness $138,500  
  Once the aggregate loan amount is met, the student is no longer eligible to receive Federal Loans. An aggregate notification is made to the student through the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal College Work Study Opportunities are available in various on-campus locations to students who qualify and who establish financial need. Qualified undergraduate full-time students are placed according to their skills and, where possible, their academic interests. First priority is given to on-campus students. Payments are made bi-weekly and are based on the minimum wage rate. Work study applications can be submitted online here.

Parent Loans to Undergraduate Students (PLUS) are available to dependent full- and part-time students who are classified as such by the FAFSA. Information regarding this program can be obtained from the financial aid office.

Pell Grants are made to students from families with low incomes who meet the criteria established for the program. This is an entitlement program for full- and part-time students who have not previously earned bachelor’s degrees. A federally selected processor determines eligibility, and application for the grant may be made by completing and processing the FAFSA.

Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants, when funded by the federal government, are provided to a limited number of full-time and half-time students who have extreme financial need. Eligibility is determined by the financial aid office on the basis of information provided on the University of Mobile Application for Financial Aid and the FAFSA.

Veterans Benefits are available to those who qualify. The University of Mobile is approved by the Alabama State Approving Agency (SAA) to offer VA Educational Benefits (GI Bill®) to eligible individuals enrolled in approved programs. Eligibility is determined by the Veterans Administration. Potentially eligible students should contact their local Veterans Administration representative: 1-888-G.I.BILL-1 or 1-888-442-4551. www.va.gov. Students utilizing VA education benefits shall not be charged a penalty, including assessment of late fees, denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or be required to borrow additional funds because of the individual’s inability to meet their financial obligations due to the delayed disbursement of a payment to be provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. For students receiving VA education benefits, any complaint against the school should be routed through the VA GI Bill Feedback System by going to the following link: http://www.benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/Feedback.asp.  The VA will then follow up through the appropriate channels to investigate the complaint and resolve it satisfactorily.

”GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.”


Financial Aid Programs Provided by University of Mobile

The University of Mobile provides the following aid to qualified applicants. Students generally cannot receive more than one scholarship or grant funded wholly OR in part by University of Mobile funds. In addition to criteria specified for each, continued receipt of an award requires earning and maintaining a minimum 2.00 GPA unless a higher standard is specified. Unless otherwise noted, all scholarships are limited to full-time traditional undergraduate students and are awarded based on merit, need, and other criteria.

Presidential Scholarship is University of Mobile’s most prestigious scholarship. The Presidential Scholarship recognizes individuals with outstanding high school academic performance and who have demonstrated leadership capability. The award’s minimum value is $10,000 per year for an undergraduate degree not to exceed eight consecutive fall and spring academic periods (semesters) and is renewable provided the recipient maintains a full-time student status of 12 hours per academic period and a 3.25 cumulative grade point average. The freshman application for admission serves as application for this scholarship.

Founder’s Scholarship honors University of Mobile’s founding president, Dr. William K. Weaver, Jr. and original faculty.  It is awarded to high achieving academic students who will be entering University of Mobile as first-time freshman.  This awards minimum value is $8,000 per year for an undergraduate degree not to exceed eight consecutive fall and spring academic periods (semesters) and is renewable provided the recipient maintains a full-time student status of 12 hours per academic period and a 3.00 cumulative grade point average.  An application for admission serves as application for this scholarship.

Dean’s Scholarship is awarded in recognition of the deans of the Colleges and Schools at the University of Mobile. The Dean’s Scholarship recognizes individuals who exhibit the potential to develop as leaders in their career, family, church and community. The award’s minimum value is $6,000 per year for an undergraduate degree not to exceed eight consecutive fall and spring academic periods (semesters) and is renewable provided the recipient maintains a full-time student status of 12 hours per academic period (semester) and a 2.50 cumulative grade point average. The freshman application for admission serves as application for this scholarship.

University Scholarship is awarded in recognition of University of Mobile’s goal of “Changing Lives to Change the World.” Recipients are selected based upon their potential to be successful at the University and as future graduates. The award is valued at $4,000 per year for an undergraduate degree not to exceed eight consecutive fall and spring academic periods (semesters) and is renewable provided the recipient maintains a full-time student status of 12 hours per academic period (semester) and a 2.00 cumulative grade point average. The freshman application for admission serves as application for this scholarship.

Transfer Merit Scholarship is awarded to students who have earned transfer credit (non-technical) from another accredited university or community college. These scholarships are for undergraduate degree and can be received for a maximum of four academic periods (semesters) and are renewable if the student maintains a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 and is enrolled in at least 12 hours per academic period (semester). Upon acceptance the University determines the amount of merit scholarship to be awarded.

  Merit Level 1: 3.50 and above $8,000 Annually  
  Merit Level 2: 3.25 - 3.499 $6,000 Annually  
  Merit Level 3: 2.25 - 3.249 $5,000 Annually  

Minister’s Appreciation Grants for legal dependents of ordained Southern Baptist ministers employed by a Southern Baptist Church or legal dependents of ordained ministers of a New Testament church outside the Southern Baptist denomination are eligible to apply for the Minister’s Appreciation Grant in addition to other merit-based scholarships. This $1000.00 grant is not stackable with talent-based aid and amounts vary based on need. This grant may be awarded for a maximum of eight semesters; however, maximum aggregate eligibility will be pro-rated for entering transfer students and upperclassmen receiving this award for the first time (for example, a second semester sophomore who receives the scholarship for the first time will be eligible for a maximum of five semesters).

Speakers’ Tournament Scholarships are awarded to first-place winners of the Alabama Baptist State Convention Speakers’ Tournament at district and state competitions. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the financial aid office or the Alabama Baptist State Convention Board of Missions.


Financial Aid for the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

A student who chooses an integrated program as his or her major will be assigned a specific academic advisor. As the student nears the end of undergraduate coursework in the program, the academic advisor will formally recommend the student for reclassification to graduate status. A student with any of these intended majors may receive University funded financial aid for their years as a traditional undergraduate student for up to a maximum of 8 semesters but once classified as a graduate student they are no longer eligible to recieve University funded aid. When the student has been recommended for reclassification to graduate status, the student may then receive federal loans as graduate.

Funded and Endowed Scholarships

The University of Mobile is indebted to and grateful for the many generous supporters who provide scholarship funds to aid its students. A separate application is not required to be considered for these scholarships unless otherwise noted. In most instances, the University determines a student’s eligibility based on the scholarship criteria; in other cases, designated committees determine a student’s eligibility . The amounts generally vary according to individual recipient circumstances, the number of eligible applicants, and the current value of the fund from which the awards are made. Students receiving these scholarships may be required to write a thank you letter to the donor. Scholarships funded in this manner are listed below.

The Alabama Baptist Convention Board of Aid for Students in Church Vocations provides assistance to Southern Baptist students engaged in or preparing for church-related vocations. Students interested in receiving the aid make application each academic period (semester) and are interviewed by a committee of the Board. Applications are available in the financial aid office.

The Alabama Baptist Convention, A. Earl Potts Scholarship is funded jointly by the Alabama Baptist State Convention and the University of Mobile. It provides a one-time scholarship of approximately $1,350 per year to entering freshmen who are members of churches that cooperate with the Alabama Baptist State Convention. Scholarship applications may be obtained from the enrollment services or financial aid offices.

The Carolyn Smith Adams Scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Adams to assist students preferably, but not necessarily, from Sumter, Madison or Clarke counties in Alabama, who exhibit financial need.

The Louis M. and J. L. Adams Memorial Scholarship was established with the Baptist Foundation of Alabama to assist students from the Dothan area preparing for full-time Christian work.

The Rosemary Adams Memorial Scholarship was established by the University of Mobile in memory of Dr. Rosemary Adams who served as the Dean of the School of Nursing for over 20 years. Scholarships are to be awarded to students enrolled in the School of Nursing.

The Lillian Campbell Allen Scholarship was established by Mr. James E. Allen in honor of his wife, Lillian Campbell Allen. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need and considerable academic performance and/or potential. Preference is accorded to members of the Faith Family Fellowship who are pursuing full-time Christian vocation work.

The Vincent A. Allen Music Scholarship was established in 2000. Scholarships are awarded to full-time music majors who maintain a 3.0 GPA in music studies and a 2.5 GPA overall.

The Alumni Scholarship Fund was established by the alumni of the University of Mobile. Awards are made to selected students who have demonstrated academic achievement and Christian character.

The Emily Burke Anderson Memorial Scholarship was established to provide scholarships for undergraduate full-time students who demonstrate financial need. Students will be selected by the president of the university with first consideration given to members of Westside Baptist Church in Jasper, AL.

The Anderson/Graves Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Dr. Mary Anderson and Mrs. Janie Lowrey Graves. Scholarships are awarded to students in order of preference as follows: 1) students from The People’s Republic of China; 2) students wishing to study at an institution in The People’s Republic of China; 3) students from other mission fields of the Southern Baptist Convention; or 4) any student preparing for full-time Christian service.

The ATMA Scholarship Fund was established by the Mobile Chapter of the Alabama Telecommunications Management Association to provide scholarship assistance to full-time students pursuing careers in telecommunications management who have completed three courses in communications. This scholarship is awarded based on a recommendation from the communication faculty.

The Ann Street Baptist Memorial Scholarship is awarded to selected students enrolled in courses of study in preparation for pastoral or other full-time Christian ministry. Ability, promise, and need are considered in selection of students.

The Dr. Charles B. Arendall, Sr. Scholarship was established by Mr. Charles B. Arendall, Jr. in memory of his father. Scholarships are awarded to students in great need with preference given to those with an ACT score of 27 or higher.

The Charles B. Arendall Scholarship was established by Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. McGinley in honor of Mr. Charles B. Arendall, Jr. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of need and merit.

The Frank and Warrene Bolen Barbaree Scholarship was established in 2015 to provide scholarships to students with preferences being given first to students graduating from Jackson High School and next to students graduating from a school in Clarke County, Alabama.

The Joseph Linyer Bedsole, Jr. Scholarship is to be awarded, first, to full-time students enrolled in the School of Business or, second, in such other program of study as may be determined by the University. Priority of consideration shall be given, in order of preference, to J. L. Bedsole Scholars as selected by the J.L. Bedsole Foundation, to students from southwest Alabama, or to any student accepted into the University of Mobile.

The Phala Bradford Bedsole Memorial Scholarship for Nursing is to be awarded to full-time students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing or the Master of Science Degree in Nursing programs, with priority given in order of preference to J.L. Bedsole Scholars as selected by the J.L. Bedsole Foundation, students from southwest Alabama, or any student accepted into the University.

The T. Massey and Martha J. Bedsole Scholarship was established through the generosity of T. Massey and Martha J. Bedsole to provide scholarship assistance to full-time students of the University of Mobile. Awards are made to students who have demonstrated exceptional academic ability and exemplary Christian character. To receive a scholarship, a student must have an ACT score of 30 or higher and a high school GPA of 3.50 or above on a 4.00 scale. The scholarship is renewable for three years provided the student maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.50 and satisfies all other requirements for the scholarship. Preference will be given to students from Clarke and Mobile Counties.

The Tatum Bedsole Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Mrs. Estelle Bedsole in memory of her husband. The fund provides scholarship assistance to deserving students of outstanding Christian character who are enrolled in courses of study leading to degrees in the teaching profession.

The Travis M. and Susan D. Bedsole Scholarship was established to fund scholarships for undergraduate and/or graduate students. Preference will be given to J. L. Bedsole Scholars as selected by the J. L. Bedsole Foundation, then to students from southwest Alabama, then first-year students. Recipients must demonstrate academic success, leadership potential, and financial need.

The Faye Bedwell Memorial Scholarship was established to provide scholarships for students who are members of the First Baptist Church, Jackson, Alabama, with second priority given to residents of Clarke County, Alabama. This scholarship is awarded annually and can be renewed.

The Fred and Vivian Bell Scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance to students enrolled full-time, with preference given to students with financial need.

The Kenneth and Colleen Bergdolt Endowed Scholarship was established in 2000 in honor of Kenneth and Colleen Bergdolt. Scholarships are awarded to full-time music majors.

The Mike Blaylock Endowed Scholarship was established to provide scholarships to softball athletes who demonstrate team, campus, and spiritual leadership abilities. Recipients will be determined by the softball coach with input from a designated family member.

The Board of Regents Scholarship was established to provide scholarships to students entering Christian service.

The Barbara B. Bodenhamer Nursing Scholarship was established by Elmer G. Bodenhamer. The fund provides scholarship assistance to Christian nursing students who demonstrate financial need.

The Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bosarge Endowed Scholarship was established through the Baptist Foundation of Alabama for unrestricted scholarships.

The Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Bounds and Miss Jessie Bounds Memorial Scholarship Fund was endowed by Mrs. Neville Bounds Montgomery. Scholarships from this fund are to assist selected students who demonstrate financial need.

The Herman W. and Janie Joiner Boutwell Scholarship provides scholarships for full-time undergraduate students enrolled in art, business, Christian Ministry, education, engineering, health science, law, music, or natural science as a course of study. These students must express through their lives a commitment to Christian morals and values; incoming freshmen must score at least 20 on the ACT and rank in the top ten percent of their graduating classes. Students must be involved in extra-curricular activities that serve people. Scholarships are renewable to students maintaining a 3.00 GPA.

The Stella T. Hale Bowers Memorial Fund provides scholarships to students in education, nursing, medicine, or fine arts.

The Erin Eileen Boyle Memorial Scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Boyle, Jr. to assist students who have been accepted into the University of Mobile School of Nursing and enroll full-time in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program.

The Joshua David Braswell Memorial Scholarship Fund for Nursing was established by Mrs. Rebecca Clark. Scholarships are to be awarded to nursing students entering the clinical component of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program. Factors considered are need, previous academic achievement, potential for success, and a love for nursing. Student will be chosen by three Nursing Faculty members with the consultation of a financial aid representative.

The Roger And Linda Breland Endowed Music Scholarship Fund  was established to assist students pursuing an undergraduate academic major in Music, Worship Leadership, or Theatre. This includes vocal, instrumental, drama, and technical areas of each program. Applicants entering the university as new freshmen must have an unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or higher.  Applicants entering the university as new transfer students must have an unweighted transfer GPA of 3.0 or higher, and completed at least fifteen (15) credit hours of college coursework.

The Melanie A. Bridges Scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bridges. The fund provides scholarships for selected full-time second-year nursing students, who demonstrate financial need.

The Brookwood Baptist Church Christian Service Scholarship Fund provides scholarship assistance to students preparing for full-time Christian service. Awards in the amount of $1,000 are made on the basis of need and 2.0 GPA and require that recipients be active members of a Southern Baptist Convention church.

The Brunson Olson-Barnes Scholarship is to be awarded to students pursuing degrees in education with first priority given to those from Theodore High School, Alma Bryant High School, and Mary Montgomery High School.  If there are no students meeting these criteria, the selection committee shall find other deserving candidates.

The Lucile Burson Scholarship Fund was established by Miss Lucile Burson. The fund provides scholarships to assist students preparing for a medical career or majoring in music or art with preference being given in that order.

The Col. William M. Caffee, M.D., Scholarship was established by Mrs. William G. Caffee in memory of Col. William M. Caffee, M.D. to assist students preparing for careers in medicine, biology, chemistry, or other natural sciences, who demonstrate ability and promise. Priority will be given to students enrolled in courses of study leading to degrees in medicine.

The Amanda Caldwell Trust Fund was established to provide scholarships to deserving students preparing for the preaching ministry. Students must be from Alabama and enrolled full-time to receive consideration for the scholarship.

The Matilda N. Carroll Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarships for students enrolled at the University of Mobile in a course of study leading toward full-time Christian service.

The Michael Catt Ministry Scholarship was established to provide scholarships to full-time students pursuing a career in pastoral preaching.

The Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Chambers Scholarship was established by Mr. Joe B. Kelly in memory of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Chambers. Priority is accorded first to students from the First Baptist Church of Frisco City, Alabama, and then to students from the Bethlehem Baptist Association, Monroe County, Alabama.

The Chevron Freshman Scholars Program is funded by Chevron U.S.A., Inc. to recognize and reward outstanding high school seniors. To be eligible, a student must: be strongly interested in the sciences or mathematics, demonstrate strong achievement in the sciences and mathematics at the high school level, and have a high GPA. The award is based on merit without regard to financial need, and is for one year.

The Chickasaw First Baptist Church/Colleen and Kenneth Bergdolt Scholarship was established to provide scholarships to full-time students in the Honors Program in the Humanities Department or to students majoring in the Humanities Degree.

The Lewis F. Childree Memorial Scholarship was established by Mr. Ronald M. Childree in memory of his father, Mr. Lewis D. Childree. Scholarships are awarded to worthy students at the sophomore-level or above, pursuing full-time Christian work and who are members in good standing of a Baptist church affiliated with the Alabama Baptist State Convention.

The Etna F. Vine, William Ronald Childress, and Irma S. Childress Memorial Trust Scholarship is to be awarded to full-time students majoring in education or nursing.

The K. J. Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by the Business Men’s Bible Class of the First Baptist Church of Mobile in memory of its former teacher, Dr. K. J. Clark. The scholarship fund was endowed in June 2000 by Dr. Clark’s sons: Mr. James M. Clark, Mr. Robert T. Clark, and Mr. William K. Clark.

The Evelyn Darley Cosby Endowment Fund was established to provide scholarships for students preparing for Christian ministries enrolled full-time at the University of Mobile.

The Wilton E. and Mary M. Cox Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarships to full-time students, enrolled in the College of Business who maintain a 2.5 GPA, and are residents of Mobile or Baldwin counties in Alabama. Priority is given to veterans of any branch of the U. S. military.

The Crampton Scholarship Endowment Trust was established by Mrs. Katharine C. Cochrane in memory of her mother, Mrs. Katharine S. Crampton. Scholarships are awarded from this trust to selected students with academic promise who demonstrate financial need.

The Lewis D. Crane Memorial Scholarship was established by Mrs. E. M. Megginson in memory of her brother, Mr. Lewis D. Crane. Scholarship recipients are selected from applicants pursuing careers in the field of medicine.

The Marie Jackson Parrish Crumb Scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Jackson, Sr. The fund makes available scholarship assistance to full-time students enrolled in the nursing program.

The Dalrymple, CPA Endowed Scholarship was established in 2016 by Ruth Tolbert and Lana Cullen in memory of their mother for a student in the Center for Performing Arts or School of Music who plays a woodwind instrument and who is enrolled or has been accepted as a full-time student at the University of Mobile. Other criteria include:  financial need, potential for success with CPA/School of Music, and love of music.  The duration of each scholarship will be for one academic year only, but may be renewed up to three additional years as long as the above criteria is met.

The Mary F. Daniels Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to be awarded to students who major in Christian ministry and/or education. Students who are current members of First Baptist Church of Tillman’s Corner will receive first priority in awarding of the scholarship. If none qualify, scholarship distribution may be made to any student who demonstrates financial need.

The Emanuel Davidson Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. Davidson’s daughter, Mrs. Erwin Key, in his memory. Scholarships are awarded to students enrolled full-time in the pre-medical program or, if none qualify, to students pursuing a course of study in the department of natural sciences.

The Anne Parker Weaver Davis Scholarship was established by Dr. and Mrs. William K. Weaver, Jr. in honor of their daughter Anne Davis. Scholarships are to be awarded to full-time students who are preparing for the teaching profession and who are majoring in Early Childhood Education.

The Carrie Bernice Davis Scholarship was established by Mrs. Carolyn Hurd in memory of her sister. The fund is to provide scholarship assistance to students enrolled in courses of study leading to full-time Christian vocations and who demonstrate financial need. Preference is given, in order, to members of Dauphin Way Baptist Church in Mobile, residents of Wayne County, MS, residents of other counties in Mississippi.

The Doris M. Davis Scholarship was established to provide educational opportunities to deserving students who are enrolled or have been accepted as full-time students at the University of Mobile.

The Edmund L. Deasy Scholarship was established by the late Mr. Edmund L. Deasy. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of high scholastic achievement, exceptional leadership qualities, and financial need.

The Jeanette L. Dobbs Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarships to full-time students who demonstrate financial need.

The Bessie Fulford Dodd Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarships for male students who are preparing for a career in full-time Christian ministry.

The O. D. Dodd Trust Fund was established to provide scholarships to students preparing for full-time Christian vocations. To be eligible, a student must be enrolled full-time in a course of study in preparation for a church vocation.

The James H. and Carrie B. Dodson Scholarship was established by the late Dr. James H. Dodson to assist Southern Baptist students preparing for the preaching ministry. Separate application required.

The Nancy Jo Donellan Memorial Scholarship Fund Candidates must be pursuing an undergraduate academic major in Music, with an unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. Awardee(s) must maintain full-time undergraduate enrollment as a Music major, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

The George and Patricia Dorsett Scholarship for Christian Ministry and Nursing was established to provide: (1) scholarships to nursing students who are entering the clinical component of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program; and (2) scholarships to Christian Ministry students who are entering their junior year and are preparing for full-time church vocation. Christian Ministry scholarship recipients must be a member of a Southern Baptist Church, exhibit outstanding academic ability, and demonstrate financial need.

The Reverend William L. and Mrs. Ella Mae Dossett Memorial Scholarship was established by Reverend William L. Dossett in memory of his wife, the late Mrs. Ella Mae Dossett. Scholarships are awarded to students pursuing bachelor’s degrees in nursing.

The Henry H. and Helen S. Drummond Scholarship was established by Mrs. Helen Drummond. Scholarships are to be awarded to full-time students based on demonstrated financial need as interpreted by the university.

The Jack and Stella Drummond Scholarship was established by Dr. Janice P. Bowers to assist full-time ministerial students enrolled in a course of study leading to a career as a pastor.

The East Norwood Baptist Church Memorial Trust Fund was established with the Baptist Foundation of Alabama by the East Norwood Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama. Priority is given to former members or qualified dependents of former members of East Norwood Baptist Church (disbanded) entering the preaching ministry or other full-time Christian vocations and nursing.

The Jack Edwards Scholarship is awarded annually to selected full-time students enrolled in courses of study in history, political science, or related majors, and who show academic promise.

The Dudley and Dorothy Ellis Scholarship was established by Dudley and Dorothy Ellis. Scholarships are to be awarded to full-time students who are preparing for a career in full-time Christian ministry.

The Martha Roberts Elrod Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarships for students majoring in music education, with priority given to students from Mobile, Alabama.

The Eileen J. and Sharon B. Emmons Performance Scholarship was established by Mr. T. G. Emmons.  Scholarships are awarded to full-time performing arts students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher who show evidence of financial need.

The Littleton H. and Audrey C. Eubanks Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarships to students pursuing a major in the sciences or in education. Priority will be given to students from George County, MS and in the event this is not possible to other qualified students.

The Faith Family Fellowship Scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance to a full-time student, with first priority given to students that are members of Faith Family Fellowship. If no student or applicant is a member of Faith Family Fellowship, the scholarship may be made available to a student living in Baldwin County, Alabama.

The M. C. and Karlene Farmer Scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Farmer to assist students preparing for the pastoral ministry or enrolled in studies leading to full-time Christian vocational work. Primary consideration is given to students with special merit and promise by assisting them to the conclusion of their post-graduate studies. Separate application required.

The First Baptist Church of Bay Minette Scholarships were established by the First Baptist Church of Bay Minette, Alabama. Priority is given to members or qualified dependents of members of the First Baptist Church of Bay Minette, or students from other Southern Baptist churches in Baldwin County, Alabama.

The Brother Scottie Fulcher Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to pursuing an undergraduate academic major in Christian Studies, with an unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or higher, in preparation for full-time Christian ministry.

The Dr. Emmett B. Frazer Memorial Scholarship was established by Mrs. Emmett B. Frazer in memory of her husband. The funds provide scholarship assistance to deserving students. Preference is given to students who are members of First Baptist Church of Mobile.

The Mrs. Emmett B. Frazer Foreign Studies Scholarship was established by Mrs. Emmett Frazer to help underwrite the costs of study for a University of Mobile student in a college or university outside the United States, and/or for students who are citizens of countries other than the United States who are pursuing a degree at the University of Mobile.

The Bo Freeman Memorial Scholarship provides scholarship assistance to freshmen who are preparing to enter full-time Christian service and are graduates of Satsuma High School.

The S. Willard Gates Scholarship was established by friends of Mr. Gates, retired principal of Gorgas School in Mobile County, in honor of his dedication to helping shape the future of those he impacted as educator, coach, and friend. The scholarship fund provides assistance to full-time students participating in intercollegiate basketball.

The Miss Jessie Mary Gay, Miss Bertha Spradlin, Miss Annie Louise White, and Miss Nancy Wall Travel Grant was established by the University of Mobile Students International Club. The fund is to be used to provide grants for students who are regularly enrolled full-time and have good academic standing. The student must have completed at least two academic semesters of foreign language study at the University of Mobile and must also be enrolled for credit in a program to study the language in a country in which it is spoken. Financial need and previous travel experience may be considered in the evaluation of applicants.

The Maxine and Harold Gerhardt Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt to provide financial assistance to students enrolled full-time.

The Josh and Ethel Gillespie Scholarship Fund was established by Ruby G. Lauzon to provide assistance to students from any of the Children’s Homes sponsored by the Alabama Baptist State Convention. Should there be a year when no students from a Children’s Home are eligible, the scholarship will be awarded to a student who has a financial need as determined by the financial aid office. The scholarship is awarded annually, is renewable, and is based on demonstrated financial need.

The Chora Godwin Scholarship Fund for Art Majors was established to provide scholarships to full-time students majoring in art. Scholarships will be awarded based on need, artistic ability, and/or potential.

The Chora Godwin Scholarship Fund for Humanities Majors was established to provide scholarships to full-time students majoring in the humanities degree. Scholarships will be awarded based on need, academic performance, and/or potential.

The Charles and Nancy Goldstine Memorial Fund was established to provide scholarships to be awarded annually to dependents of ministers of Southern Baptist churches (studying for any discipline) and for students who are members of Southern Baptist churches who are studying for a church-related vocation.

The John Russell and Nell Bedsole Goodloe Excellence in Nursing Scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance to full-time students who have completed their junior year of the nursing program, have exhibited the most caring attitude towards patients, and have demonstrated acceptable academic performance. A committee made up of the University President, Director or Financial Aid, the Dean of the School of Nursing, and two nursing faculty members, will select the recipient.

The Lisa Reneé Gordon Memorial Scholarship was established by Diana S. and L. Wayne Gordon in memory of their daughter, Lisa. Scholarships are to be awarded to students with a 2.5 GPA.

The Charles C. Hand Scholarship Fund was established by partners of Hand, Arendall, Bedsole, Greaves & Johnston law firm, in the name of Mr. Charles C. Hand, to assist students of high scholastic achievement majoring in business or pre-law.

The Janá Hayes / McGinley Endowed Scholarship Fund is awarded to undergraduate or graduate students who major in Athletic Training Education with a 3.5 GPA and maintain satisfactory academic progress. Preference is given to students demonstrating financial need.

The Charlie and Laura Hearn Endowed Scholarship is awarded to full-time students with demonstrated financial need for assistance.

The Howell and Elizabeth Heflin Endowed Scholarship was established by the Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in 1995 with no specific guidelines.

The Hickory Hammock Baptist Church Scholarship was established to provide scholarships for full-time students who maintain a 3.0 GPA with preference given to active members of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church. Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation from the pastor of their home church confirming strong Christian character and containing examples of involvement and support of church activities.

The Merle and Grace Hanks Charitable Trust Scholarship is awarded to a full-time student majoring in Christian Ministry, called to full-time Christian Ministry. Preference is given to students from Escambia and Monroe counties in Alabama. Separate application required.

The Lois Jenkins Hill Scholarship was established by Dr. A. Garrett Hill and Mrs. Lois Jenkins Hill to provide scholarship assistance to deserving students enrolled in courses of study leading to majors in music, art, drama, or other fine arts disciplines.

The Mabel S. Hitchcock Scholarship was established to assist students with demonstrated financial need.

The Ronnie B. and Mitzi L. Holladay Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students from Morgan Academy and/or Lowndes Academy. If no student meets this requirement, the scholarship may be given to a music student residing in the state of Alabama. The scholarship is renewable as long as the recipient maintains a minimum GPA of 3.0.

The Fred Boyles Holmes, Sr., and Annie Jo Bethune Scholarship is awarded to selected students who are native residents of Baldwin or Conecuh Counties, who show special ability and promise, and who demonstrate financial need.

The Leslie and Barbara Holmes Scholarship Fund to Assist Needy Ministerial Students was established to be awarded to students preparing for full-time Christian ministry. Scholarships are to be awarded annually and are renewable and shall be based on a demonstrated financial need, as interpreted by university officials. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA.

The Tim Hudmon Music Scholarship was established with the Baptist Foundation of Alabama by Mr. Cecil S. Hudmon and Mrs. Virginia G. Hudmon to assist selected students preparing for church-related music ministry. Priority will be accorded to students who reside in Chambers County, Alabama.

The Ingram Scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Forrest H. Ingram to assist students with demonstrated financial need.

The Pearl J. Jackson Scholarshipestablished by J. Ernest Jackson, is awarded to students who are pursuing a full-time Christian vocation and are recommended for the scholarship by their pastors.  Students must also express through their lives a commitment to Christian morals and values.  First priority is given to members of First Baptist Church of Flomaton and second priority is given to students from Escambia and Monroe Counties in Alabama.  However, if there are no eligible students from those counties scholarships will be granted without regard to geographical location.

The Judy Johnston Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Dr. Alan Johnston in memory of his wife, Mrs. Judy Johnston.  Scholarships are awarded to Christian Studies majors with an emphasis in Biblical and Theological Studies, preparing for church ministry (pastor) who demonstrate an aptitude for success in completing the required curriculum.  Recipient must be licensed or ordained by a Southern Baptist Church, or have a recommendation letter from their home church acknowledging and affirming their call to ministry.  Recipients will be required to write a thank-you letter to the scholarship donor each year.

The Nina and Earl Joseph Scholarship was established for unrestricted scholarships, with preference given to descendants.

The E. M. Keebler Scholarship was established by the Board of Trustees in honor of former academic dean, E. M. Keebler to assist students with financial nee

The John H. and Reba Kilgo Scholarship Fund was established by Mrs. Reba Kilgo to provide scholarships for students preparing for a career in full-time Christian service and who maintain a 2.0 GPA

The Hillery D. Kirkham Memorial Scholarship was established by Mrs. Dorothy J. Kirkham in memory of her husband. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of need and merit.

The Evie L. Kohen Scholarship Fund was established by Billie Rae Kohen. The fund provides scholarship assistance to full-time students pursuing degrees leading to certification in the teaching profession.

The L. H. Koon Memorial Scholarship was established by Concord Baptist Church. First priority will be given to members of Concord Baptist Church, then to residents of Russell County Baptist Association. The scholarship is awarded annually and is renewable.

The Jeannette G. and Julius Kretzer Scholarship is to be awarded to full-time students majoring in Nursing who maintain a 2.0 GPA Selection is based on a demonstrated financial need, as determined by university officials.

The Fred and Sue Lackey Memorial Scholarship is for students who are enrolled or have been accepted as full-time students at the University of Mobile and who are planning a full-time career in Christian Service.  Priority will be given to students from Athens, Alabama or the Cheaha Mountain area.  The duration of each scholarship is for one academic year only, but may be renewed annually as long as recipients maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher.

The Edward P. and Ruby G. Lauzon Scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance to full-time students enrolled in courses of study leading to bachelor’s degrees with emphasis in history.

The Ruby Lauzon Missionary Education Trust Fund was established by Mrs. Ruby Lauzon to provide scholarship grants to Christian missionaries or their spouses while on furlough or leave from his or her regular assignment and who enroll at the University of Mobile in areas other than religion.

The Lola Curry Donald Ledbetter Scholarship Fund was established to assist full-time students pursuing majors or minors in music. Selection is based on character, ability, promise, and need. Preference will be given to students in the area of instrumental music, with special consideration to those with an interest in violin.

The “Sis” Lenoir Scholarship Fund was established to assist students with an unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicant must be accepted to The Alabama School of the Arts with a minimum score of 24 on the ACT, or SAT equivalent. Awardee must maintain full-time enrollment as a Worship Leadership major. Preference will be given to a graduate of a high school located in Choctaw County, Alabama. The university may waive the residency requirement above only if a qualified student has not applied, and another deserving student has been identified.

The Alma Lewis Ministerial Scholarship was established by the late Miss Alma Lewis to assist white Southern Baptist students preparing for the preaching ministry.

The Lyon-Lewis Memorial Scholarship was established by the late Mrs. J. Maury Lyon in memory of her husband and her parents to assist students of exceptional scholastic achievement who demonstrate financial need.

The Kathleen Mallory Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Kathleen Mallory by Mrs. Irene N. Mallory to assist Southern Baptist students or foreign students who are enrolling at the University as the result of Southern Baptist mission work. Academic ability and financial need may also be considered.

The Price and Vera Malone Scholarship Fund was established by Price Malone and Vera Malone to provide assistance to full-time students at the University of Mobile. Scholarship assistance is restricted to students enrolled in courses of study leading to certification in the teaching profession and who have demonstrated commitment to Christian morals and values. Priority for assistance is given to students from Mobile and Clarke Counties.

The Cecil R. and Marjorie L. Maples Scholarship was established to assist students that are active in their churches and are studying for church-related ministry.

The Luzenia Marques Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a University of Mobile nursing student(s) who is entering the clinical component of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

The Marriott Scholarship Fund is awarded to selected dormitory residents who demonstrate academic promise, strong moral character, and leadership qualities.

The Philip and Mary Martin Scholarship Fund was established by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Magnoli in honor of his father and stepmother. The fund is to provide financial assistance for students who demonstrate exceptional leadership potential.

The Roy F. Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Martin in memory of their son. The fund provides scholarship assistance to students pursuing careers in full-time Christian service.

The Thomas T. Martin Scholarship Fund was established in honor of Dr. T. T. Martin, Trustee Emeritus and a founding influence of the University of Mobile. The fund makes scholarships available to deserving students.

The Telfair J. and Ida Belle Mashburn Scholarship is to be awarded to students studying humanities or philosophy, or majoring in music or pre-law.

The Ben May Scholarship was established by the Ben May Foundation to provide scholarship assistance to students in advanced nursing studies.

The Phyllis D. and Franklin P. McDonald Scholarship was established by the late Mr. and Mrs. Franklin P. McDonald to assist selected students from Southwest Alabama who have financial need. (Southwest Alabama includes Choctaw, Washington, Mobile, Baldwin, Clarke, Monroe, Escambia, Wilcox, and Conecuh Counties.)

The Sam and Carrie McDonald Scholarship was established by the late Captain Samuel A. McDonald to assist students of high scholastic achievement with financial need. Applicants must have achieved either an ACT composite score of 22 or a GPA of 3.20 on a 4.00 scale. A 3.20 GPA is required each academic semester for retaining the scholarship. A special application is required.

The Ken & Emily Mcelhaney Family Endowed Scholarship Fund was established to assist students pursuing an academic major in Christian Studies, with an unweighted GPA of 3.0. They must be active members of an Southern Baptist Church and maintain a GPA of 3.0.

The Jenelle L. McElroy Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Dr. Kathy Sheppard in memory of her daughter Jenelle, who was a long-time nursing professor at UM. Scholarships are to be awarded to seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.0, who are enrolled full-time pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Nursing. Candidates must have a passion for nursing and the care for fellow human beings.

The Earle and Lillie Bell McKenney Scholarship was established with the Baptist Foundation of Alabama by Mr. and Mrs. Earle McKenney to assist students who are natives of Alabama and committed to the pastoral ministry.

The Louise Van Landingham O’Connor McKinley Scholarship Fund was established by Mrs. Maureen Nichols in honor of her mother. Scholarships are to be awarded to University of Mobile students with financial need. Priority shall be given, in order of preference, to students who are single mothers, members of Riverside Baptist Church located in Mobile, Alabama, and/or residents of the State of Mississippi.

The John D. Meador Memorial Scholarship was established by the family and friends of the late Mr. John D. Meador to assist selected students with financial need.

The Leon and Joclaire Megginson Scholarship is a one-time scholarship in the amount of $1,000. The Scholarship recipient will be a first-year Christian Ministry major who meets all University standards for unconditional admission. First priority shall be given to a female student whose goal is a career in international missions. Second priority shall be given to a female Christian Ministry major. Third priority shall be given to other Christian Ministry majors.

The Louise Woodall Melvin Memorial Fund was established by Mrs. Irvin Woodall in memory of her daughter. Preference is given to music majors with primary consideration to organists.

The Betty Stuart Mitchell Scholarship was established by Mr. T. W. Mitchell in honor of his wife. Scholarships are for full-time students from Baldwin County, Alabama, with preference given to nursing majors.

The Mobile Art Association Scholarship was established by the Mobile Art Association to assist art majors who have completed their freshman year.

The Mobile Community Scholarship is awarded to students (one male and one female) enrolled in a course of study leading to a degree in business.

The Roger and Marie Mott Scholarship was established to assist full-time students majoring in nursing or Christian studies.

The James N. and Carrie G. Murray Scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance to students enrolled full-time and pursuing courses of study leading to a bachelor degree in Christian Ministries.

The Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Nichols Nursing Scholarship was established by Mrs. Joseph E. Nichols to assist students in the baccalaureate nursing program who demonstrate ability and promise.

The Mrs. Hattie E. Nored Trust has been established to provide scholarships to full-time students having demonstrated a commitment to a full-time Christian vocation.

The John and Patricia Northrop Scholarship was established by John T. and Patricia Northrop to assist deserving students who have expressed through their lives a commitment to Christian morals and values. Scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in courses of study leading to careers in Christian ministry or in business. Priority is given to students from Covington County.

The Everton C. Odom Memorial Trust was established for full-time scholarships in the departments of nursing, education, and natural sciences. Student must be a resident of the state of Alabama for at least five years prior to enrollment. If in nursing, student must be an upper classmen and selected by nursing faculty members.

The Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palmer Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarship assistance to full-time students who demonstrate academic promise. Priority will be given to students from Leroy High School and Washington County.

The Lannes A. and Avis G. Parker Scholarship Fund was established by Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Magnoli in honor of Mrs. Magnoli’s parents. The fund is to provide scholarships for students participating in intercollegiate athletics. Priority will be given to students participating in the men’s basketball program. Second priority will be given to students participating in baseball or softball.

The Jesse Patty Scholarship was established with the Baptist Foundation of Alabama to provide scholarship assistance to men preparing for the pastoral ministry or to persons preparing for ministry in the field of religious education. Preference is given to students who are members of New Prospect #2 Baptist Church (Lookout Mountain Association), members of churches of the Lookout Mountain Association or Cherokee Baptist Association, and wards of the Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes.

The Hazel A. Petersen Leadership Scholarship was established by Danny and Debra Chancey for students who are majoring in elementary education or early childhood education or seeking teacher certification in secondary education, and who are enrolled or have been accepted as full-time students at the University of Mobile.  The duration of each scholarship is for one academic year only, but may be renewed annually as long as recipients maintain a 2.75 cumulative GPA or higher.

The H. Austill Pharr Scholarship was established by the family and friends of the late H. Austill Pharr, to be awarded to an outstanding young man of high scholastic achievement.

The Dr. E. Grace Pilot Scholarship was established by Dr. Grace Pilot. Scholarships are to be awarded to full-time students enrolled at the University of Mobile who demonstrate financial need and are residents of Mobile, Baldwin, or Choctaw counties in Alabama. Scholarships are renewable if 2.5 or better GPA is maintained.

The Pine Hill Baptist Church/Mrs. Kathleen Davie Godbold Scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance with preference given to students from Pine Hill Baptist Church and Bethel Baptist Association.

The Pine Hill Baptist Church/Fred A. Vaughn Scholarshiis awarded to full-time students. Preference is given to students from Bethel Baptist Association who are enrolled full-time.

The Dick Robertson Scholarship was established to provide scholarships to full-time students preparing to enter the music ministry in a Baptist Church. Scholarship recipients must maintain a 2.0 GPA.

The Bobbie J. Roper Scholarship was established by Reverend Emmett Roper in memory of his wife. Scholarships are to be awarded to full-time students entering the clinical component of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program.

The Rosemary Melton Robinson Student Loan Fund is available to Southern Baptist Church members with financial need. A co-signer may be required. The loan fund is awarded per academic period (semester). This is a loan that must be repaid.

The George Coventry Roughgarden and Nita Schmidt Roughgarden Fund was established to fund student grants and loans up to and including secondary or graduate level studies.

The Mary Austill and Yetta G. Samford Scholarship is to provide scholarships to full-time students with preference given to those who show special academic promise and who demonstrate financial need.

The Harry M. Saranthus Memorial Scholarship is to be awarded to a student or students pursuing a forestry degree. If none qualify, scholarships are to be awarded to a student or students pursuing a business degree. If none qualify, scholarship distribution may be made to any student who demonstrates financial need. Candidates for the scholarship must have a B average.

The Anne Maddox Sawyer Memorial Trust was established to provide scholarship assistance to full-time students committed to and preparing for full-time Christian vocations.

The Ruth Louise Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Katherine Anne Scott. First priority is given to the descendant or descendants of the parents of Ruth Louise Scott; second priority to a student or students with academic promise; and third priority to a student or students with leadership ability. Scholarships are awarded annually, are renewable, and are based on demonstrated financial need.

The Shady Pines Baptist Church Scholarship is awarded to students who are members of a Baptist church and have committed their lives to any aspect of Christian ministry. Ministry may include but is not limited to preaching, music, and education, including bi-vocational work. Scholarships may provide funds for tuition, fees, books, room and board, and other expenses incurred while attending the University. Scholarships are awarded annually, are renewable, and based on a demonstrated financial need.

The Barrett C. Shelton, Jr. Scholarship was established through the Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in 1996 by Mr. Shelton.

The Sarah King Shepherd Memorial Scholarship was established by the Rev. Hubert B. Shepherd in memory of his wife. The fund provides scholarships to full-time students who are preparing for full-time church vocations, are members of a Southern Baptist Church, and are willing to repay the scholarship if they do not remain in a church vocation for at least five years after completing their education. Preference is given first to students who are members of First Baptist Church of Fairhope, second to students from churches of the Baldwin Baptist Association, then to any student preparing for full-time Christian service.

The Dr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Shouppe Scholarship Fund was established by Phillip and Sally Shouppe to provide scholarship assistance to a deserving University of Mobile athlete who demonstrates financial need.

The Annie Megginson Sinclair Scholarship is provided by the W. A. Megginson Foundation to be awarded to a full-time student majoring in organ. This scholarship is awarded based on a recommendation from the Division of Music Chair.

The William J. Sirmon, Jr. Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. Wayne Sirmon to assist students based on a demonstrated financial need, with preference given to students majoring in history and social studies education.

The Mr. and Mrs. William J. Slaughter Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarship assistance to full-time students pursuing careers in Christian Ministry, music, education, or nursing. Student may not be a dependent of a clergyman. Student must be an active member of a Baptist or other Protestant church.

The Caroline Daniel Slawson Scholarship was established by Mr. Guice Slawson in honor of his wife. The fund awards scholarships to students enrolled in courses of study leading toward full-time Christian service, with preference given to students from Barbour County and/or to the dependents of men and women engaged in full-time Christian service with Alabama Baptists.

The Frank F. Smith, Jr. Memorial Scholarship was established by Mrs. Florence M. Smith in memory of her son. Scholarships are to be awarded to any student whose academic record, and extracurricular behavior reflect (a) high moral character; (b) high academic performance and (c) demonstrated musical, athletic, or leadership ability.

The Thomas N. Stallworth Scholarship Fund was established by Thomas N. Stallworth to assist students preparing for full-time music ministry who demonstrate ability and promise.

The Mary W. Steedley Scholarship Fund was established by Dr. Dwight M. Steedley. The fund provides assistance to full-time students majoring in mathematics.

The Sullivan Family Endowed Scholarship Fund was established to assist students majoring in education or communication who maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

The Thomas “Ted” Talley Voice Performance Scholarship is in honor of Ted Talley, whose music and love for music enriched the lives of all who knew him.  This scholarship is for full-time students who are studying voice performance at the University of Mobile and who show evidence of financial need.  The duration of each scholarship will be for one academic year only, but may be renewed annually as long as recipients maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher.

The Dr. Bobby S. Terry Endowed Scholarship was established to assist full-time communication majors, with preference to religious communication, or ministry.  Scholarships are awarded to students based on a GPA of 2.5 or higher, who demonstrate achievement or the potential for achievement, and who exemplify a Christian lifestyle consistent with the values of University of Mobile.

The John and Helen Thomas Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarships to full-time foreign students preparing to return to their home countries to do Christian work, to American students preparing for the mission field, or to ministerial students who have demonstrated substantial improvement.

The Bruce and Lillie Turner Scholarship is provided in the amount of $1,000 per year and is to be awarded to full-time freshman or transfer students from Washington County, Alabama. If none from Washington County, Alabama, then the scholarship can be awarded to freshman women soccer players. Scholarships are renewable annually if the recipient(s) maintains a B average and is enrolled full-time.

The Turner Family Education Trust was established by the Turner family of West Bend, Alabama, to assist students from Clarke County who demonstrate moral character, scholastic achievement and leadership qualities.

The UPS Scholarship is provided by funds from the UPS Foundation to provide scholarship assistance to outstanding students.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy awards scholarships in memory of Adylise M. Grimsley, Myra Rouselle, Mary Owen Teague, and Kathryn M. Thames to a limited number of students who are descendants of Confederate veterans. Applicants must provide written records of ancestors who served the Confederacy. Written records of ancestry must be submitted to the UDC Alabama Division the spring prior to the Fall academic period (semester) the scholarship is awarded. A GPA of 3.0 must be maintained and the student must be enrolled full-time. The financial aid office can provide information to interested persons.

The University of Mobile Alumni Scholarship was established by the Alumni of the University of Mobile. The student must be seeking a degree and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. Financial need is also taken into consideration. Priority is given to children of the University of Mobile Alumni Association.

The Gordon W. and Alta L. Varner Endowed Scholarship Fund is to be awarded to a student enrolled in the UM Center for Christian Calling with a minimum GPA of 3.25, in their junior or senior year, preparing for full-time Christian ministry. If there are found to be no eligible candidates for awarding consideration, then additional candidates pursuing an academic major in Music or Worship Leadership may be considered, so long as all other grade and enrollment criteria are met.

The Annie Boyd Parker Weaver Endowed Scholarship was established in 1987 as the Mobile College Auxiliary Endowed Scholarship. On March 18, 1994, at the final meeting of the Auxiliary, the name of the scholarship was changed to honor Mrs. William K. Weaver, Jr., wife of the founding president of the University of Mobile. The fund provides scholarships to outstanding students with financial need.

The William K. Weaver, Jr., Endowed Scholarship was established to honor the founding president of the University of Mobile and to encourage the pursuit of academic excellence. Students selected to receive the scholarship must demonstrate high achievement in their major areas of study and be of notable Christian character.

The Dora Welch Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by an anonymous donor to assist outstanding young women in obtaining college degrees.

The Floyd and Mary Jane West and Janie Reichenbach Memorial Scholarship is to be awarded to undergraduate students who are majoring in mathematics or English.

The Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation provides need-based scholarship grants for female students from the nine southeastern states (Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Florida).

The Wilcox Piano Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Susan Wilcox Turner.  Preference will be given to students seeking to earn a degree in piano and who demonstrate financial need.

The John M. Will Memorial Scholarship Foundation annually provides scholarships to students from southwest Alabama enrolled in courses of study preparatory to careers in journalism.

The Joan K. Williams Fund was established to provide scholarship assistance for a full-time student pursuing a degree in nursing.  The recipient must have a minimum high school GPA of 3.0 and must have scored a minimum of 21 on the ACT.  An existing University of Mobile or transfer student from another university must have a current minimum GPA of 3.0 with precedence being given to higher collegiate GPA’s.  Preference will be given to applicants from Choctaw County High School, Patrician Academy, South Choctaw Academy, and Southern Choctaw High School.

The Patricia Boyd Wilson Scholarship Fund was established by Ms. Patricia Boyd Wilson to provide scholarship assistance to students in the areas of art, music or English.

The WMU-Willie Mae Lyon Scholarship was established by the Mobile Baptist Association WMU to assist students from Mobile County, Alabama whose abilities and interests give promise of unusual service to God and humankind and who have financial need. Students must make application directly to the Mobile Baptist Association WMU.

The Robert E. and Willie Pearl Wojohn Scholarship was established to assist students enrolled full-time at the University of Mobile pursuing a degree in Elementary Education, Business, or other Financial areas of study. Recipients shall maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and shall hold memberships in churches affiliated with the Mobile Baptist Association, or the Alabama Baptist State Convention, or a Southern Baptist Church located in a state bordering the State of Alabama. Eligibility will be based on demonstrated financial need, leadership qualities, previous academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, and potential for success within their chosen profession.

The Woodmont Baptist Church Educational Endowment Fund established by Woodmont Baptist Church will provide two half-tuition scholarships each year to students pursuing degrees in any full-time, church-related vocational field.

The Wormeley Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Juanita P. Hill in memory of her beloved late husband, Wormeley B. Hill. The scholarships are awarded annually to students preparing for full-time Christian ministry and are based on financial need.

The UM Endowed Scholarship was established to provide scholarships to be awarded annually and are renewable and shall be based on a demonstrated financial need, as interpreted by university officials.

The Kenneth Lamar Yates Memorial Scholarship Fund is to be awarded to an entering freshman student. The candidate must major in Christian Ministry with intentions of pursuing a bachelor degree from the Center for Christian Calling for full-time work in Christian ministry. The candidate must have an overall grade point average of C or better.