2021-2022 Academic Catalog & Student Handbooks 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog & Student Handbooks [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are listed alphabetically by subject prefix. Each course description begins with a subject prefix followed by a three-digit course number and the course title. If a course includes laboratory or other special activities, that information is contained in the course description. Prerequisites and co-requisites are also listed. A prerequisite is a course, experience, or other required preparation that must be completed before the student will be permitted to enroll in the course. A co-requisite is a course, experience, or other preparation that must be completed at the same time that the student is enrolled in the listed course.

Courses numbered 100 to 199 are primarily for freshmen, 200 to 299 for sophomores, 300 to 399 for juniors and seniors, and 400 to 499 for seniors. Courses numbered 500 to 699 are reserved for graduate students. Courses numbered 700 to 899 are reserved for doctoral students.

Please note, when searching courses by “Code or Number”, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results. For instance, a “Code or Number” search of ” 5* ” can be entered, returning all 500 or graduate-level courses.



  • MU 326 Orchestration

    Credit, two hours.
    An introductory course in the study of the range, timbre, transposition, relative intensities and notation of all major instrument groups, including rhythm section; exercises in scoring culminating in a full orchestration. Prerequisite(s): MU 201 , MU 202  or permission of instructor.
  • MU 328 Piano Pedagogy Practicum

    Credit, two hours.
    Application of pedagogical principles and skills related to the keyboard. Practical experience in teaching keyboard skills with instructor supervision. 
  • MU 345 Diction and Song Literature III

    Credit, two hours.
    An introduction to the phonetics of German for singing. The course will survey solo vocal literature in German from the Renaissance to the present with an emphasis on style, interpretation and presentation of solo materials for all voice classifications. Prerequisite(s): MU 245 Diction and Song Literature I  
  • MU 346 Diction and Song Literature IV

    Credit, two hours.
    An introduction to the phonetics of French for singing. The course will survey solo vocal literature in French from the Renaissance to the present with an emphasis on style, interpretation and presentation of solo materials for all voice classifications. Prerequisite(s): MU 245 Diction and Song Literature I  
  • MU 371 Finale I

    Credit, two hours.
    In this introductory course, student will learn how to write professional-standard notation using Finale, the world’s best selling music notation software. This course will help students notate arrangements and compositions, from basic notes and rhythms to more advanced markings. Through hands-on lessons and workshops, students will understand the subtleties of notation, as well as explore the fine points of lead sheets, vocal/choral notation, drum/guitar notation, fingerings, roadmaps, and lyrics. Cross-listed as: WL 371 .
  • MU 372 Finale II

    Credit, two hours.
    In this advanced course, students will continue their professional development in writing professional-standard notation using Finale, the world’s best selling music notation software. Student will explore more complex techniques designed to speed up the notation process dramatically, and learn to control the nuances of music to produce clear, professional quality scores. Course includes creating and printing music with and without a MIDI keyboard. Cross-listed as: WL 372 .
  • MU 380 International Studies in Music

    Credit, three to six hours,
    International Studies in Music is designed to provide performance technique, and/or acting and dance performance training for Opera and Musical Theatre. The collaborative piano program provides opportunities to improve collaborative piano skills in vocal and instrumental music, diction, style and artistry. Class structure will include workshop and private instruction format. Students will be required to perform in scenes and scheduled recitals and events.
  • MU 405 Opera Literature

    Credit, two hours.
    A study of major operatic literature, its development, and operatic composers from its origins to the present.
  • MU 411 The Entrepreneur Musician

    Credit, three hours.
    A survey of the nature and history of entrepreneurship in the music industry. Topics include: the basics of running a one-person business, recognizing and creating opportunity, personal and professional financial management, product/legal risks and benefits, establishing a business model and creating potential income streams. Cross-listed as: WL 411  The Entrepreneur Musician
  • MU 412 Christian Ethics and the Performing Arts

    Credit, three hours.
    An in-depth study of Christian ethics and its particular application to church music and the performing arts. Using contemporary case studies and student research, attention will be given to the history of ethics and to the processes of informed ethical decision-making for the musician/artist serving in the church, engaged in the arts community, or employed in the entertainment industry. Cross-listed as: WL 412 . PY 412  may be substituted. (WI)
  • MU 415 String Literature

    Credit, two hours.
    The study of string literature from the Baroque period to the present, framed in its social, cultural, and historical contexts. 
  • MU 424 Piano Pedagogy

    Credit, two hours.
    A survey of graded materials, an analysis of selected teaching materials for the private teacher of piano and the establishment and management of a private studio.
  • MU 425 Secondary School Music Methods and Materials

    Credit, three hours.
    A course designed to assist the student in developing skill in creating cumulative musical learning and in gaining experience in the domains of musical development in the secondary school. Field experience hours required. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education required.
  • MU 426 Basic Conducting

    Credit, two hours.
    Fundamentals of conducting including standard patterns, gestures, cueing, dynamics, coordination of left and right hands and use of the baton.
  • MU 427 Choral Conducting

    Credit, two hours.
    Intermediate skills in choral conducting including score preparation, rehearsal techniques, performance practices and experience in conducting choral ensembles. Prerequisite(s): MU 426 .
  • MU 428 Instrumental Conducting

    Credit, two hours.
    Intermediate skills in instrumental conducting including score preparation, rehearsal techniques, performance practices and experience conducting instrumental ensembles; and rudimentary preparation for developing a marching band show. Prerequisite(s): MU 426 .
  • MU 433 Piano Literature I

    Credit, two hours.
    The study of piano literature from the Baroque period through the Classical period. 
  • MU 434 Piano Literature II

    Credit, two hours.
    The study of piano literature from the Romantic period to the present.  Prerequisite(s): MU 433  
  • MU 435 Instrumental Arranging

    Credit, two hours.
    Exploring concepts, approaches, and techniques of music arranging including augmentation/diminution, chord substitution, transition material (introductions, interludes, endings, etc.), changes in texture and mode, altering melodic and rhythmic structures, etc. Course will cover multiple musical genres and include significant amounts of practical application through writing and performing written projects.
  • MU 439 The African American Musical Tradition

    Credit, three hours.
    This course consists of a survey of music that evolved from the African-American experience in America: folk music, blues, gospel, jazz, rhythm and blues, and concert music. Included in the course is exploration of how the music of slavery evolved through and influenced the worship music in the church and the civil rights movement.
  • MU 487 Special Topics in Composition

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Focus on the art and technique of music composition through study of specific musical periods, forms, composers, styles, and genres. Student may repeat this course twice. 
  • MU 497 Study in Selected Topics

    Credit, one to six hours.
    Courses offered to provide opportunities for competent students to study in areas of interest other than those elsewhere defined. This series is primarily a classroom function, either seminar or lecture, permitting flexibility in course offerings.
  • MU 498 Study in Selected Topics

    Credit, one to six hours.
    Courses offered to provide opportunities for competent students to study in areas of interest other than those elsewhere defined. This series is primarily a classroom function, either seminar or lecture, permitting flexibility in course offerings.
  • MU 501 Graduate Music Theory

    Credit, three hours.
    Advanced analytical techniques in Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th-21st Century musical styles.  Graduate students would be required to take one class depending on their need.  Cross-listed as: MU 701  .
  • MU 506 Seminar in Literature and Style in Performance I

    Credit, three hours.
    Selected topics in vocal literature, style and performance. Specific areas may inlcude art song, recitative, opera, oratorio, new music, musical theatre, or other per professor’s specialty.  Cross-listed as: MU 706  . 
  • MU 507 Seminar in Literature and Style in Performance II

    Credit, three hours.
    Selected topics in vocal literature, style and performance. Specific areas may include art song, recitative, opera, oratorio, new music, musical theatre, or other topics per professor’s specialty.  Cross-listed as: MU 707  
  • MU 510 Music History Seminar I

    Credit, three hours.
    Graduate Music History will explore advanced topics in Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th-21st Century Music.  Special focus on advanced research and analysis of composers and genres.  Cross-listed as: MU 710  .
  • MU 511 Music History Seminar II

    Credit, three hours.
    Graduate Music History will explore advanced topics in Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th-21st Century Music. Special focus on advanced research and analysis of composers and genres.  Cross-listed as: MU 711  
  • MU 525 Advanced Piano Pedagogy

    Credit, two hours.
    An advanced course of graded materials and analysis of selected teaching materials for the private teacher of piano, and the establishment and management of a private studio or academic teaching studio. 
  • MU 533 Piano Literature I

    Credit, three hours.
    The study of piano literature from the Baroque period through the Classical period with special emphasis on collaborative repertoire.  
  • MU 534 Piano Literature II

    Credit, three hours.
    The study of piano literature from the Romantic period to the present with a special emphasis on collaborative repertoire. Prerequisite(s): MU 533  
  • MU 544 Advanced Vocal Pedagogy

    Credit, two hours.
    An advanced study of teaching materials and methods for the voice.  Emphasis on historical and current trends featuring a broad base of application for the singer-teacher.  Cross-listed as: MU 744  .
  • MU 545 Advanced Italian Diction

    Credit, one hour.
    The rules of pronunciation utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet; coaching in the Italian art song and operatic literature including spoken dialogue. 
  • MU 546 Advanced French Diction

    Credit, one hour.
    The rules of pronunciation utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet; coaching in the mélodie and operatic literature including spoken dialogue. 
  • MU 547 Advanced German Diction

    Credit, one hour.
    The rules of pronunciation utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet; coaching in the Lied and operatic literature including spoken dialogue.
  • MU 550 Music of the World

    Credit, three hours.
    Course designed to explore the musical, social, and historical dimensions of world cultures emphasizing the music genres related to cultures of Africa, African America, Latin America, Native America, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Southern Asia, and Southeastern Europe.
  • MU 552 American Popular Music

    Credit, three hours.
    Course that examines the history of American music from the music of immigrant cultures to the popular music forms of the present day. This course should address socio-critical issues including the role of race, gender and religion in the evolution of popular music forms, the global impact of American popular music in non-Western societies, and the influence of technology on the creation and consumption of popular music.
  • MU 554 Foundations of Music Education

    Credit, three hours.
    A sequential study of the history of American music education and emerging trends in the profession. This course includes the study of major philosophies guiding music teaching, including Pestalozzi, Reimer, and the praxial approach of Mark.
  • MU 555 Seminar in Music Education

    Credit, three hours.
    Course designed to explore current music education practices, methods, and materials with application to actual teaching through simulation, discussion, and readings in music education literature. 
  • MU 556 Music Education Research

    Credit, three hours.
    An introductory course that explores methods of research in music education. Types of research examined will include descriptive, historical, philosophical, qualitative, and quantitative studies.
  • MU 558 Advance Teaching Methods

    Credit, three hours.
    Seminar course in which various facets of choral, instrumental, or elementary music are studied in depth, including topics such as organizational and rehearsal techniques, leadership skills, repertoire selection, curriculum design and current research in the area of specialization.
  • MU 560 Psychology of Music

    Credit, three hours.
    Course that examines the physiological and psychological principles informing our understanding of how humans interact with and experience music. Students will research and discuss topics related to sound production, acoustics, music perception and learning, and the effects of sound and music on human behavior and subsequently apply their learning to their teaching environment. 
  • MU 575 Special Topics/Master’s Thesis

    Credit, one to three hours.
    The student will research and present a graduate level thesis with the guidance of a faculty mentor. Subject matter and requirements will vary based on the student’s area of focus. The research topic is subject to approval.
  • MU 580 International/Domestic Summer Program or Internship

    Credit, three to six hours.
    International & Domestic Studies in Music designed to provide vocal technique, acting and dance performance training for Opera and/or Musical Theatre. Prerequisite(s): none. 
  • MU 590 Intro to Research

    Credit, three hours.
    Seminar course in which various facets of choral, instrumental, or elementary music are studied in depth, including topics such as organizational and rehearsal techniques, leadership skills, repertoire selection, curriculum design and current research in the area of specialization. Cross-listed as: MU 690 Intro to Research in Music
  • MU 595 Capstone in Music Education

    Credit, three hours.
    Students will develop an individualized final project related to their area of specialization while demonstrating integration of the degree’s course content. The student’s capstone project is subject to the approval of the music education faculty.
  • MU 645 Comparative Vocal Pedagogy

    Credit, three hours
    Techniques for teaching voice in the studio, studio management, culture and a comparison of teaching styles and language. Study of idiomatic singing styles including comprehensive and often controversial definitions which can cross schools of teaching and style, and how to use this information to form teaching language that serves changes in musical style and linguistics. Cross-listed as: MU 845  
  • MU 646 Historical Vocal Pedagogy

    Credit, three hours.
    An historical look at how the science and practice of voice pedagogy developed from the late 19th century until the present, and how changes in musical style affected the approach to teaching. Cross-listed as: MU 846  
  • MU 647 Musical Theatre Vocal Pedagogy

    Credit, three hours .
    A pedagogical and stylistic look at the development of musical theatre from the Golden Age through the 21st century. Emphasis on the definition and teaching of styles of singing, how acoustic qualities in the voice affect amplification in both ambient and electronic forms, and how classical training can strengthen both stylistic and acoustic aims. Cross-listed as: MU 847  
  • MU 696 Comprehensive Examination

    Credit, zero hours.
    All master of music students are required to register for this course at the beginning of the semester during which they take the comprehensive examination. A grade will be determined entirely by an assessment of the student’s performance on the comprehensive examination and will either pass or fail. The course may be repeated once and must be passed if the student is to graduate. 
  • MU 701 Analysis of Tonal Music

    Credit, three hours.
    Analysis of literature from the 18th and 19th centuries. Analysis focuses on harmonic and contrapuntal techniques, rudimentary linear reduction concepts, harmonic reduction, and form. Cross-listed as: MU 501  
  • MU 702 Advanced Analysis

    Credit, three hours.
    Detailed study and analysis of selected scores from 1200 to the present.
  • MU 706 Seminar in Lit & Style in Performance I

    Credit, three hours.
    Selected topics in vocal literature, style and performance. Specific areas may include art song, recitative, opera, oratorio, new music, musical theatre, or other topics per professor’s specialty. Cross-listed as: MU 506  
  • MU 707 Seminar in Lit & Style in Performance II

    Credit, three hours.
    Selected topics in vocal literature, style and performance. Specific areas may include art song, recitative, opera, oratorio, new music, musical theatre, or other topics per professor’s specialty. Cross-listed as: MU 507 
  • MU 710 Music History Seminar I

    Credit, three hours
    Music History Seminar I will explore selected topics in Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th-21st Century Music. Special focus on advanced research and analysis of composers and genres. Cross-listed as: MU 510  
  • MU 711 Music History Seminar II

    Credit, three hours
    Music History Seminar II will explore selected topics in Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th-21st Century Music. Special focus on advanced research and analysis of composers and genres. Cross-listed as: MU 511  
  • MU 744 Advanced Vocal Pedagogy

    Credit, three hours.
    An advanced study of teaching materials and methods for the voice. Emphasis on historical and current trends featuring a broad base of application for the singer-teacher. Cross-listed as: MU 544  
  • MU 750 Music of the World

    Credit, three hours.
    Course designed to explore the musical, social, and historical dimensions of world cultures emphasizing the music genres related to cultures of Africa, African America, Latin America, Native America, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Southern Asia, and Southeastern Europe. Cross-listed as: MU 550  Music of the World 
  • MU 790 Intro to Research in Music

    Credit, three hours.
    An introduction to the basic bibliographic tools and research techniques in music. Cross-listed as: MU 590 Intro to Research
  • MU 845 Comparative Vocal Pedagogy

    Credit, three hours.
    Techniques for teaching voice in the studio, studio management, culture and a comparison of teaching styles and language. Study of idiomatic singing styles including comprehensive and often controversial definitions which can cross schools of teaching and style, and how to use this information to form teaching language that serves changes in musical style and linguistics. Cross-listed as: MU 645  
  • MU 846 Historical Vocal Pedagogy

    Credit, three hours.
    An historical look at how the science and practice of voice pedagogy developed from the late 19th century until the present, and how changes in musical style affected the approach to teaching. Cross-listed as: MU 646  
  • MU 847 Musical Theatre Vocal Pedagogy

    Credit, three hours.
    A pedagogical and stylistic look at the development of musical theatre from the Golden Age through the 21st century. Emphasis on the definition and teaching of styles of singing, how acoustic qualities in the voice affect amplification in both ambient and electronic forms, and how classical training can strengthen both stylistic and acoustic aims. Cross-listed as: MU 647   
  • MU 896 Comprehensive Examination

    Credit, none (no hours).
    All doctor of musical arts students are required to register for this course at the beginning of the semester during which they take the comprehensive examination. A grade will be determined entirely by an assessment of the student’s performance on the comprehensive examination and will either be pass or fail. The course may be repeated once and must be passed if the student is to graduate. Pass/Fail grading.
  • MU 899 Document Research

    Credit, one to six hour(s)
    Assigned by the committee chair, research focusing on the selected topic of the thesis. The thesis topic will be approved by the graduate vocal committee and the chair.

      Pass or Fail

  • MUA 217 Collaborative Skills and Accompanying I

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Applied accompanying for keyboard majors. A study of the skills necessary to work in a collaborative setting. 
  • MUA 218 Collaborative Skills and Accompanying II

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Applied accompanying for keyboard majors. A study of the skills necessary to work in a collaborative setting. 
  • MUA 309 Chamber Music I

    Credit, two hours.
    The study, reading, and performance of chamber literature representative of all  musical periods. 
  • MUA 317 Collaborative Skills and Accompanying III

    Credit, one hour.
    Applied accompanying for keyboard majors. A study of the skills necessary to in a collaborative setting. 
  • MUA 409 Chamber Music II

    Credit, two hours.
    The study, reading, and performance of chamber literature representative of all musical periods. 
  • MUA 410 Chamber Music III

    Credit, two hours.
    This course will allow the student to develop their performance skills by providing on-stage experience and instruction in music and interpretation. 

Applied Music

  • MUA 121.1 Commercial Voice

    Credit, one hour.
    A course designed to develop the vocal skill of the student in an effort to enhance freedom and interpretation within appropriate fundamental vocal parameters. Special emphasis will be given to interpretation, production and presentation of commercial, gospel, praise and contemporary Christian music. Prerequisite(s): MUA 131 -MUA 232  or permission of instructor.
  • MUA 122.1 Commercial Voice

    Credit, one hour.
    A course designed to develop the vocal skill of the student in an effort to enhance freedom and interpretation within appropriate fundamental vocal parameters. Special emphasis will be given to interpretation, production and presentation of commercial, gospel, praise and contemporary Christian music. Prerequisite(s): MUA 131 -MUA 232  or permission of instructor.
  • MUA 131 Voice

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Private instruction in voice.
  • MUA 131.1 Integrated Vocal Technique for the Worship Leader and Commercial Singer

    Credit, one hour.
    Intergrated Vocal Technique for the Worship Leader and Commercial Singer is an introductory course designed to give the singer a foundation of vocal techniques and practices for the worship leader/contemporary vocalist. Through video and recorded demonstrations, as well as classroom examples, this coures will explore breath control, basic anatomy of the voice, vocal health, basic music theory, sight singing, and performace techniques. Additionally, the student will learn effective warm-up and practice routines, how to be comfortable on stage, and microphone techniques (platform and recording studio), all geared towards the worhsip leader/contemporary singer. 
  • MUA 132 Voice

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Private instruction in voice.
  • MUA 141 Piano

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Private instruction in piano.
  • MUA 141.1 Class Piano

    Credit, one hour.
    Class instruction in piano.
  • MUA 142 Piano

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Private instruction in piano.
  • MUA 142.1 Class Piano

    Credit, one hour.
    Class instruction in piano.
  • MUA 143.1 Commercial Keyboard

    Credit, one or two hours.
    The commercial keyboard course will provide techniques to ensure a broader expansion for the professional pianist, organist and keyboardist. The majority of the class will emphasize the necessities of church service/worship service improvisation, but will also include a variety of styles, including rock, jazz, pop, country, etc. This course is designed to help students reach a higher playing ability and strengthen their skills in areas not normally covered in their applied lessons. Prerequisite(s): MUA 141 -MUA 242  or permission of instructor.
  • MUA 144.1 Commercial Keyboard

    Credit, one or two hours.
    The commercial keyboard course will provide techniques to ensure a broader expansion for the professional pianist, organist and keyboardist. The majority of the class will emphasize the necessities of church service/worship service improvisation, but will
  • MUA 147 Composition

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in composition. Prerequisite(s): MU 202  and successful completion of piano proficiency exam and/or with permission of instructor.
  • MUA 148 Composition

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in composition. Prerequisite(s): MU 202  and successful completion of piano proficiency exam and/or with permission of instructor.
  • MUA 151 Organ

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in organ.
  • MUA 152 Organ

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in organ.
  • MUA 161.1 French Horn

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in french horn.
  • MUA 161.2 Trumpet

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in trumpet.
  • MUA 161.3 Trombone

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in trombone.
  • MUA 161.4 Euphonium

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in euphonium.
  • MUA 161.5 Tuba

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in tuba.
  • MUA 162.1 French Horn

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in french horn.
  • MUA 162.2 Trumpet

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in trumpet.
  • MUA 162.3 Trombone

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in trombone.
  • MUA 162.4 Euphonium

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in euphonium.
  • MUA 162.5 Tuba

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in tuba.
  • MUA 171.1 Flute

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in flute.
  • MUA 171.2 Oboe

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in oboe.
  • MUA 171.3 Clarinet

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in clarinet.
  • MUA 171.4 Saxophone

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in saxophone.
  • MUA 171.5 Bassoon

    Credit, one or two hours.
    Class or private instruction in bassoon.

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