2023-2024 Academic Catalog & Handbooks 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog & Handbooks [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Nursing (MSN, MSN-FNP, DNP)

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Statement of Purpose

The School of Nursing Master of Science in Nursing program offers advanced education in nursing administration and nursing education as well as a Family Nurse Practitioner track. The MSN program has as its purpose the preparation of graduate-level nurses capable of practicing as administrators or educators or as Family Nurse Practitioners.

The Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program is designed to meet the critical need for leaders, practitioners, and teachers. The program is structured around the major components of theory, research, and practice. The concepts of leadership, critical thinking, decision making, and planned change are integrated throughout the curriculum. The graduate nursing student at the University of Mobile will develop specific roles through refinement of existing professional skills, expansion of the knowledge base for practice, and development of advanced competencies in their particular area of practice.

Based upon outcomes competencies guiding the curriculum, on completion of the Master of Science in Nursing Program, the graduate will:

  1. Utilize theories from nursing and other disciplines to improve health care and nursing education based on Christian ideals..
  2. Develop organizing frameworks for the delivery of health care or for teaching nursing.
  3. Contribute to the development of the scientific knowledge base in nursing by recognizing researchable problems, and participating in research to advance the practice of nursing and improve nursing education.
  4. Incorporate leadership strategies and local, state and national health care policies into plans to effect improvement in nursing education and the health care system.
  5. Apply principles of economics and budgeting into fiscal plans for administering health care or nursing education programs.
  6. Utilize an identified process for guidance in making ethical decisions.
  7. Incorporate advanced knowledge and skills into practice considering human diversity when planning and implementing health care and teaching activities.
  8. Contribute as a leader to the restructuring of professional nursing roles as health care and nursing education needs emerge in society.

Criteria for Admission to the MSN Program

A student seeking admission to graduate study should address all inquiries to the office of graduate programs.

Students who graduate from UM’s BSN program will be given advanced consideration for admission into the Family Nurse Practitioner program contingent upon adherence to all FNP admission criteria. Students will be required to notify the Dean of the School of Nursing and submit a formal written statement of their intent in January prior to their anticipated graduation in May. Only students who are ranked in the top 10% of their class academically will be considered for progression from the BSN program to the MSN-FNP program through early acceptance.

Applicants may be admitted to graduate study in one of the following categories:

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Education/Administration Admission Requirements

  1. Submission of application.
  2. Submission of official transcripts of all college coursework from all institutions attended.
  3. International Students:
  • Students with international transcripts must provide an evaluation from Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (www.cgfns.org) for previous nursing coursework.
  • Students with international transcripts must provide evaluation from World Education Services (http://www.wes.org/) for previous non-nursing coursework.
  • International students must also show proof of English Proficiency. Applicants should request that official TOEFL test scores be sent directly to Enrollment Services.
  1. Completion of BSN degree from a regionally accredited educational institution.
  2. Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
  3. Must hold and maintain an unencumbered license to practice as a Registered Nurse.
  4. Submission of a clear background check.
  5. Submission of Health History and record of required immunizations.
  6. Student must meet Core Performance Standards in the areas of Cognitive Skills, Psychomotor Skills, and Affective Skills.
  7. Submission of current personal health insurance coverage.
  8. A personal interview with the Graduate Admissions Committee of the School of Nursing may be required, if requested.

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Admission Requirements

  1. Submission of application.  Applications will be accepted until class is filled.  Early decisions will be made by June 1.
  2. Completion of a BSN degree from a regionally accredited educational institution.
  3. Submission of current unencumbered Registered Nurse licensure in a state or territory of the United States in which the student will complete Family Nurse Practitioner clinical rotations.
  4. Submission of all transcripts received from colleges attended.
  5. International Students:
  • Students with international transcripts must provide an evaluation from Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (www.cgfns.org) for previous nursing coursework.
  • Students with international transcripts must provide evaluation from World Education Services (http://www.wes.org/) for previous non-nursing coursework.
  • International students must also show proof of English Proficiency. Applicants should request that official TOEFL test scores be sent directly to Enrollment Services.
  1. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for last 60 semester credit hours.
  2. Prerequisites (if not successfully completed in BSN degree):
  • Statistics (3 credit hours)
  1. Minimum of one (1) year of clinical experience preferred but not required.
  2. Three letters of recommendation from:
  • A current clinical supervisor or nurse manager who has direct knowledge of the applicant’s skills in the clinical setting and how they will translate into the Family Nurse Practitioner role.
  • A professor, faculty member or academic advisor who can provide a meaningful assessment of the applicant’s academic record. 
  • A practicing clinical nursing professional, or APRN, who has served as a mentor and can speak about the applicant’s abilities as a nurse and potential to become a Family Nurse Practitioner.
  1. Current Curriculum Vita or Resume is required. The Curriculum Vita or Resume should include:

  • Educational background including institutions, degree(s) awarded, degree(s) in progress, dates of degree(s) awarded and/or anticipated date of receiving degree(s).
  • Relevant employment history, including:
    • Job title, job description, and relevant duties performed.
    • Employment dates of each position.
  • Community service or volunteer experience.
  • Any awards, publications, presentations, memberships.
  • Evidence of leadership and career progression.
  1. Personal statement of no more than two pages discussing:
  • How your previous education, experience and professional interests have prepared you to be successful in the Family Nurse Practitioner program.
  • Your professional goals and how completing the Family Nurse Practitioner track will help you achieve your professional goals.
  • Your understanding of the primary care nurse practitioner role and your intentions regarding service in primary care practice.
  • How have you prepared for success in this program.

Your essay should be clear and succinct and double-spaced.

  1. Submission of a clear background check.
  2. Submission of Health History and record of required immunizations.
  3. Submission of current BCLS for Healthcare Providers certification.
  4. Submission of current personal health insurance coverage.
  5. Following preliminary review of all required materials, a personal interview with the Graduate Admissions Committee of the School of Nursing may be required, if requested.

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Progression and Retention Policies

  1. In order to progress, students in the School of Nursing master’s degree programs are expected to be in compliance with all University of Mobile Graduate School progression policies and specific School of Nursing requirements.
  2. Students must meet all pre-requisites for courses and take courses in the sequencing provide in the degree completion plan to ensure appropriate progression. Courses may not be taken out of sequence.
  3. Students must attend an orientation session before beginning the Family Nurse Practitioner nursing program and attend all intensive sessions when scheduled by the School of Nursing.
  4. Students must read, acknowledge, and adhere to all policies and mandates in the School of Nursing Student Manual and the University of Mobile Graduate Catalog. It is the student’s responsibility to review the School of Nursing Student Manual each academic year to be knowledgeable about all policies and mandates, as revisions may be made annually.
  5. Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 in all academic work at the university, earning no more than one (1) grade of “C”. The program faculty recognizes that situations may arise which prevents students from successfully matriculating through the academic program. Students who are concerned about their academic standing should contact the Chair for Graduate Programs or their advisor. If it appears the student may not be able to achieve a minimum passing grade in a course, they may be encouraged to withdraw from the program.
  6. Students must have satisfactory performance evaluations from faculty and preceptor(s) in all FNP clinical courses.
  7. Leave of absence from the program is granted for students who need to interrupt their studies for personal, health or other reasons and may do so for one full year from the date of approval. Students who wish to return to the program following a leave of absence will need to submit a written request for resuming coursework to the Chair for Graduate Studies. The written request should demonstrate the resolution of the extenuating circumstances contributing to the original need to leave the program. The request for reinstatement must be made no less than six (6) weeks prior to resuming the nursing course sequence. Students will be notified in writing regarding the decision concerning their re-entry to the program. Individual assessment of current knowledge and clinical skills will be made prior to placement of the student back into the nursing program. Students who become “out of sequence students” due to withdrawal, or military/medical/family leave of absence will resume course work based upon availability in required courses offered at that time. All “out of sequence students will be placed in courses on a space/faculty available basis. Priority will be given to students who are “out of sequence” for military service, severe illness, or family leave rather than for failure or withdrawal not in good standing (grade lower than a “B”).
  8. A student who withdraws from a core-nursing course while in good standing cannot progress in the sequenced nursing curriculum until that course has been successfully completed.  In courses that contain both a clinical and a didactic component, both course segments must be completed simultaneously.
  9. A student may withdraw from any nursing course in good standing (with a grade of “B” or higher) only once during their program of study. A second such withdrawal will result in dismissal from the program.
  10. Students who have taken a leave of absence from the program for greater than twelve (12) calendar months must re-apply to the university. Their re-application will then be considered with all other qualified applications applying for admission to the Family Nurse Practitioner program.
  11. Students must complete the Family Nurse Practitioner program within three years.
  12. Once admitted to the University of Mobile School of Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner program, all courses must be taken through the University of Mobile School of Nursing.
  13. Students must maintain an unencumbered RN license while enrolled in the program. Students must notify the School of Nursing within five (5) days in the event of any legal infractions or any actions/sanctions taken against their nursing license, or any investigation of such incidences. Failure to report within the specified time frame of any encumbrances and disciplinary proceedings again RN license will result in immediate dismissal from the Family Nurse Practitioner program.
  14. Satisfactory and professional behavior must be exhibited at all times while enrolled in the Family Nurse Practitioner program. The nursing faculty reserve the right to dismiss from the program students who exhibit unprofessional, immoral, or unethical behavior.
  15. Students must comply with additional clinical site requirements as directed by the institution if they choose placement at that facility.
  16. Students have the responsibility to:

a.  Properly complete all academic and clinical obligations of the Family Nurse Practitioner track.

b.  Maintain their own personal physical and emotional health and to notify the school if the student is under the care of a  healthcare provider for any serious or chronic illness.

c.  Maintain communication with current licensure, physical address, email address, and telephone number(s). 

d.  Respect the confidentiality of all patient information.

e.  Maintain integrity and academic honesty.

f.  Fulfill financial obligations i.e. payment of tuition.

g.  In order to be eligible for graduation, the student must complete all didactic and clinical coursework outlined in the program of study. The student must successfully complete didactic and clinical courses, maintaining academic progression standards

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Education/Administration Comprehensive Examination

Satisfactory performance on a comprehensive examination is required of all candidates seeking a Master degree in nursing.

The comprehensive examination will cover materials in the curriculum with emphasis on the content of courses within the nursing major. The comprehensive examination must be given no later than two weeks before the commencement at which the degree is to be conferred. If a candidate fails the comprehensive examination, a second examination may be taken only with the approval of the dean of School of Nursing and the office of graduate programs. The second examination may be written, or oral, or both, as determined by the dean. There is no guarantee that a second examination will be given in the same academic period (semester). After two failures, the student will be dismissed from the program.

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Readmission Policies

  1. Students who withdraw or have failure in a course in the Family Nurse Practitioner program may reapply to the program for the next year. However, readmission is not guaranteed.

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Dismissal Policies

  1. Problems arising from any progression requirement may result in remediation plans, written warnings, program probation, immediate withdrawl from clinical settings, and dismissal from the program among other actions:

a.  A pattern of withdrawals from course or clinical work, incomplete grades, low grades, or overall low GPA.

b.  Unsafe and/or unprofessional behaviors in academic or clinical settings.

c.  Unsatisfactory performance in clinical settings.

d.  Completing a clinical course without satisfactory performance or progress in obtaining course objectives, learning outcomes, clinical hours, clinical performance, and/or progress toward program requirements.

  1. If a student on academic probation fails to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or greater, the student will be dismissed from the MSN Program. Students must achieve a grade of “B” or higher in all track specific courses. No more than one (1) “C” is allowed in the remaining courses in order to continue in the program. Students will also be dismissed if they receive a “D” or “F” in one course.
  2. A recommendation for dismissal may be made if the student fails to achieve professional skills/behavior/fitness or violates the ethical code of conduct governing members of the professional organization for the program’s discipline.
  3. The School of Nursing’s Dismissal Appeal Procedure:

a.  The student’s initial step in the dismissal appeal process is to submit an appeal letter to the Chair for Graduate Studies within 10 working days of receiving notice of dismissal. The letter must clearly identify why the student believes the dismissal is inappropriate.

b.  Within 5 working days of receiving the student appeal, the Chair for Graduate Studies is to respond to the student, in writing. The letter must outline why the Chair for Graduate Studies does or does not support the student’s appeal.

c.  The student has 5 working days from the receipt of this letter to pursue the appeal.  The appeal should be in writing to the Dean, requesting a faculty review.

d.  Three faculty members will be included in the faculty review. Results of the faculty review must be submitted, in writing, to the student and Academic Vice-President within 5 working days.

e.  If the matter is not resolved within the School of Nursing, the student may appeal to the University of Mobile Academic Vice-President or designated representative.

f.  The decision of the Academic Vice-President, or designated representative, is final and will be communicated to the student, the instructor, and the Dean of the School.

Graduation Requirements

Application for a degree should be made during the academic period (semester) prior to anticipated graduation. The candidate’s application will be reviewed upon receipt of evidence of:

  1. An application for a degree;
  2. Fulfillment of all prerequisite requirements;
  3. Completion of all course requirements;
  4. All requirements for the MSN Education/Administration degree must be completed within 5 calendar years.  All requirements for the MSN Family Nurse Practitioner degree must be completed within 3 calendar years. (Any request for extension must be submitted in writing to the chair of the MSN committee.); and
  5. A minimum overall 3.00 GPA on all work attempted with no more than six hours of “C” grades accepted toward graduation. A minimum grade of “B” must be achieved in all major courses.

Additional Graduation Requirement for Education/Administration Track

  1. Successful completion of the comprehensive examination.

Course Offerings

Please see the Course Descriptions  sections of this catalog for Graduate level course listings.



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