2023-2024 Academic Catalog & Handbooks 
    Jan 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog & Handbooks [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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EN 101 Effective English

Credit, three hours.
A course in composition and college level reading designed to provide training in critical thinking, reading skills, and analytical writing. Includes a study of research methods and the writing of documented papers in the context of an introduction to classical epic poetry, and selections of lyric poetry and prose writing. For students entering the University with either an ACT English sub-score less than 21 or with no available test score, there is a zero (0) credit hour lab component that is required until the student has been exempted from the lab by proving to have the requisite skills for the program.  The lab will serve as an assessment opportunity for the instructor to determine areas of proficiency and need. Once the student has demonstrated proficiency in writing, the lab requirement will be met). (WI)

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