2014-2015 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog & Student Handbook 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Arts and Sciences


Philosophy for College of Arts and Sciences

The College of Arts and Sciences provides students with an academically strong core curriculum in humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, social and behavioral sciences, visual arts, and general studies. This curriculum is designed to familiarize all students with a body of works and a variety of disciplines proclaimed by tradition and time to merit general study; to inculcate in them a disposition that will foster a perpetual desire for knowledge of themselves, their community, and their world; to create in them a foundation upon which they may make informed moral choices consonant with Christian principles; to enable them to communicate effectively through the visual, aural, as well as the spoken and written word; and to think critically. Furthermore, each department offers academic majors and minors that prepare students to assume responsible and rewarding positions in their chosen careers and/or for graduate or professional studies.

High school teacher certification (grades 6-12) is offered in biology, English language arts, history, mathematics, and social science. Thirty-six semester hours are required in teacher education for secondary certification. Please refer to the School of Education  section of this catalog for additional certification information and admission to teacher education program information. Students must earn a “C” or higher in all teacher education and teaching field courses.

In addition, the general studies major is also provided by the College of Arts and Sciences.

Objectives for College of Arts and Sciences

The student will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. appreciate and understand some of the artistic and intellectual works that constitute the curriculum;
  2. pursue lifelong study that will result in cultural literacy;
  3. comprehend the moral and ethical dimensions inherent in the works studied and make practical applications to personal experiences;
  4. use standard spoken and written English; and
  5. understand, appreciate, and respect the natural and social environment.

Department of Air Force Science

Go to information for Department of Air Force Science.



Department of Humanities

Go to information for Department of Humanities.




Department of Natural Sciences

Go to information for Department of Natural Sciences.




Department of Mathematics

Go to information for Department of Mathematics.




Department of Military Science

Go to information for Department of Military Science.




Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Go to information for Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences.


